
Classes for all ages; activities primarily related to schools; events by educational institutions to further their mission

Hot Reads

Calling all young professionals, recent college grads, and stay at home parents (just to name a few!) for a group dedicated to reading and discussing buzz worthy and scintillating books! This month's book is. .. Familia by Lauren E. RicoCheck it out from the library (book club books are on display in the Adult Reference Room) or download the ebook at digital.…Learn More

Hot Reads

Calling all young professionals, recent college grads, and stay at home parents (just to name a few!) for a group dedicated to reading and discussing buzz worthy and scintillating books! This month's book is. .. Rebel Homemaker : Food, Family, Life by Drew BarrymoreCheck it out from the library (book club books are on display in the Adult Reference Room) or download the ebook at digital.…Learn More

I Lift My Lamp -- Illuminations from Immigrant America: A Solo Piano Concert by Ken Burns' Pianist Schwab

Jacqueline will feature music from American immigrants in her solo piano program. She has performed at the White House for President Clinton and twice on PBS with the American Pops Orchestra and has accompanied Scottish singer Jean Redpath on public radio's A Prairie Home Companion and on CBS's Late Show with David Letterman. As a solo pianist, she has performed vintage music in almost every state of the Union. Sponsored by a generous grant from The Cummings Foundation.


In the Kitchen for Kids @ WLF

Let's get cooking with Ms. B and Chef Kelcy at Wright-Locke Farm!! Sign up to learn how to make some tasty sweet and savory bites! This program is open to kids in grades 2-5 only and registration is required! We'll be using the kitchen in the All Seasons Barn at Wright-Locke Farm, located at 82 Ridge Street Winchester, Ma 01890.

In the Kitchen for Kids @ WLF

Let's get cooking with Ms. B and Chef Kelcy at Wright-Locke Farm!! Sign up to learn how to make some tasty sweet and savory bites! This program is open to kids in grades 2-5 only and registration is required! We'll be using the kitchen in the All Seasons Barn at Wright-Locke Farm, located at 82 Ridge Street Winchester, Ma 01890.…Learn More

In the Kitchen for Kids @ WLF

Let's get cooking with Ms. B and Chef Kelcy at Wright-Locke Farm!! Sign up to learn how to make some tasty sweet and savory bites! This program is open to kids in grades 2-5 only and registration is required! We'll be using the kitchen in the All Seasons Barn at Wright-Locke Farm, located at 82 Ridge Street Winchester, Ma 01890.…Learn More

In the Kitchen for Kids @ WLF

Let's get cooking with Ms. B and Chef Kelcy at Wright-Locke Farm!! Sign up to learn how to make some tasty sweet and savory bites! This program is open to kids in grades 2-5 only and registration is required! We'll be using the kitchen in the All Seasons Barn at Wright-Locke Farm, located at 82 Ridge Street Winchester, Ma 01890.…Learn More

In Transition Conversation Series

Join Linda Rossetti, Winchester resident and author of the book, 'Dancing with Disruption,' for an informal supportive conversation about how to successfully navigate times of upheaval in our careers and in our lives. The group relies on methods from Linda's research and incorporates learnings from the science of human development.

In Transition Conversation Series

Join Linda Rossetti, Winchester resident and author of the book, 'Dancing with Disruption,' for an informal supportive conversation about how to successfully navigate times of upheaval in our careers and in our lives. The group relies on methods from Linda's research and incorporates learnings from the science of human development.